Monday, 25 August 2008

the saga continues

the hardy btcv adventurers were once again out continuing the fight against the invasives.on Tuesday of last week we were out on the offensive in haddington where the group led by myself and Chris along with the volunteers took up arms against the mighty nettles it was a hard campaign but btcv were victorious our hard work cleared an area for work to begin on creating a site for the second wave.
on the Wednesday Chris led the second wave of hardy btcv adventurers battling against the extreme rain ventured out to finish work on the allotment area regardless of the rain the job was completed.
day three of our adventures this week was an excursion to the distant land known as bog hall.where the btcv adventurers led by Kenny and myself along with the volunteers worked to clear a local car park we did some vegetation cutback and did some general tidying up to improve the access to the area.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Bye Bye Balsam and Farewell Murraypark!

On Wednesday 13th we made this year's final valiant offensive manoeuvre in the ongoing battle with the invasive species on Corstorphine Hill. This time it was Himalayan Balsam's turn to feel our wrath as we tried to pull as much of it up as possible before it seeds.

On Thursday 14th we put the finishing touches to our third and final garden at Murraypark Nursing Home. I have had the privilege of being involved in this project from the outset two years ago when all there was was a lovely manicured lawn and then we came along and dug it all up. What we have left in its place though is a brilliant trio of gardens each with its own unique design and features, though the main theme is most definitely decking! The new gardens provide the staff and residents with space to relax and enjoy the outdoors which wasn't possible previously and I have lost count of the number of times I have been thanked by the staff of the home for the work we have done. So, thank you all for all of your hard work in helping make Murraypark such a success!

Monday, 18 August 2008

Mud mud glorious mud

Last Tuesday we were up on the Pentlands. We were putting a path in from the car park at Hillend. We put a short section of path in a couple of years ago, but the top of that bit was getting very wet and muddy so we went to extend it further up the hill.

We were joined in the morning by another group of volunteers from Penicuik. They helped by barrowing loads of hard core up the hill to where we were digging out turf. The ground was saturated when we arrived, and as it rained for most of the afternoon we got really wet and muddy. The mud was the colour and consistency of melted chocolate, but probably didn't taste quite the same...

In the end, despite the rain, we completed the task and made 20m of new path. We also had to put a drain in, as the new path was getting under water as the rain got heavier. The drain seemed to do the trick, and the path should be there for many years to come.


Monday, 11 August 2008

adventures with btcv chapter one

Last Tuesday we were at Craigmillar castle i led a group of four volunteers which consisted in Dave cat and Chris and myself Ronnie doing some path reconstruction in preparation for Scotland in bloom coming to view it.Kenny Gemma and Fatima led the other volunteers and done some vegetation cutback general ground maintenance and a litter pick we all had a good day the weather brightened up as the day progressed.
Wednesday at hermitage it rained so we all got soaked but we stuck to the task like the true btcv environmentalists and completed the bat and bird boxes.after dinner those who were willing to brave the elements ventured out into the wilderness to do some vegetation cutback.
Thursday it was still raining and the hardy btcv adventurers ventured out onto the unknown area known only as the dark side of Corstorphine where we took up arms against the mighty Himalayan triffids the battle raged on for several hours and there were many casualties but btcv were victorious our flanking force were on the other side of the hill installing a few seats.after the battle we returned to headquarters and prepared for our next mission more to come

Monday, 4 August 2008

From cake to cake

On Tuesday, we were working at Murraypark. On the one hand, we finished with the decking and on the other hand, we carried on making the handrail. As soon as we started working, the surprise came by Eileen's hand and her fabulous cake, because of her birthday. Happy birthday and thank you Eileen!!!
The week carried on with Stanwell Nursery, where first of all we made six wooden flower beds and then, filled in them with soil in order to get them ready for use. Once more, the surprise came, but this time by Ronnie's hand and his wonderful cake. It was due to his birthday. Happy birthday and thank you Ronnie!!!
To finish the week, we went to the Pentlands. There, we were making a footpath with the Pentlands Ranger Martin's help.

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