Monday, 13 April 2009

Rocheid Path finally finished!

The group were at Ferryhill Primary on Tuesday, working on a couple of different tasks. The majority was working in the millennium woodland lifting the crowns of the trees, making it easier for the children to move about the woods. The other job was to build half a dozen tree guards for some young apple trees, which had been planted at the end of the football pitch. They look great, but we just hope the kids don't see them as a challenge!

We were back at the Rocheid Path for the final (woohoo!) couple of days on Wednesday and Thursday. Some path edging was put in at the far end (no sleepers this time) and heather added to brighten it up a bit. There were a few holes in the path at the top end which we filled with rock and covered with whindust. We also lobbed a lot of topsoil down the gigantic slope, in the hopes that something might be encouraged to grow and so that anyone hopping over the edge won't break their ankles. Some rowan and hawthorn were planted further up to try to shield the houses opposite from missiles thrown from the path. Some stones apparently actually hit their mark and break windows; perhaps the perpetrators should be signed up to the Scottish cricket team!


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